ReReleasing The Mes:

​today I rereleased a lot of work I simply privatized I was eventually going too make public but a few I don’t like too call them fans

More or less people that appreciate my work lead me too what I’ve already started too coming too terms with loving my work

I had problems with even showing my work afraid and they were liked but not appreciated 

You see appreciation is different from simply liking it appreciation is finding beauty in its format the way it’s presented and showcased and that’s what I TRULY LOVE and when not doing it just for myself which I do it for myself and God first 

It really makes me cry it’s PURE unadulturared enjoyment of my work and I can’t beat that feeling

So I decided after they told me too release it releas it into the world because they feeling what I’m feeling at least some and that’s enough for me too out it out there

All in all I don’t think my pain because it’s so deep will ever truly be understood or relatable but in some ways and forms it is and that’s THATS the beauty when you share your work

Here’s the images too what was released

It was a good number of things from my catalog technicality I only did sound art or as they say “music” for a collectible amount of 6 months 1 month at a time

So I still progress and evolve but I release everything I do and in these cases keep it diy underground broken microphone sounding broken earbuds sounding

Because no matter what stage I’m at that’s where I come from with it. The basement the underground doing it for yourself and you feel like no one’s ever going too hear this anyways lol but that’s me I LOVE that sound for those reasons ya know 

I may go into detail for each and every one of my collections in the catalog including singles but that’s for another moment in the ‘now’ of which I and we (collective royce’s) live in 

Ps a lot of this was actually a troll so it’s my intermediate showcasing of skills so imagine what my advanced mode levels will be like

By intermediate I mean I showcased only a fraction of my skill (no talents I have none) Freestyled it and did 1 take with no rehearsals

Also One of them said: “[paragraph of adoration] I now follow you.”

Truly touched my heart discovered me then followed me above all else.


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