Project: ROISE ROYCE : Psychosis IN SANE

 I walk withIN sanity. I am the zaniest. I found myself. 

A mad scientists plight of the psychiatric test.

ROISE represent R.oyce O.(gOD) I. (One and individual) S. 🐍🐉 E. Eternal)

Within the YouTube comment section. I have discerned what I have learned. I can go absolutely insane and reclaim sanity. 

Insanity is cure able not thru drug or is a lie. One must address their problems. 

I went undercover too learn as a patient using methodical acting. 

I took an opportunity too do this after, I was admitted unjustly for getting a gun LEGALLY too protect myself.

Now in my past as a juvenile I used guns too protect myself in self defense…illegally because a juvenile is rarely, tried as an adult as, I was a few times tried as an adult and beat every case because I act only in self defense. 

I am still unjustly punished for defending myself because it is overwhelming how I win (I’ll discern that more at a later date.).

I suffered from disassociate personality disorder or so, it seemed I simplistically knew and was not told the truth too. 

And even though I knew who I am and was. I never change I only evolve. By evolve I mean apply new knowledge, new tactics, and improve skillsets. 

That is what formed my insanity being misunderstood however, I digress.  Side Note: majority of understandings are shallow or image based which is my truest struggle in this era. How I look does not equivalence in who I am.

Misunderstandings are proponent in my sanity. 

This album represented a fraction of the pain I felt being a patient in psychiatric wards. 

This was the ending of that saga for me. 

I needed one more proof of fact. I cannot be left alone or rather they will not leave me alone. They fear what they do not understand however, they also, want too know more about themselves. As someone who knows everything about themselves besides what God or the X variable will show me (reference too the X variable in a algebraic equation a value that cannot ever be determined therefore, it leads too no answer which I love that God has no answers it makes the questions)

More discerning soon

I wil also add I technicality am a psychiatric patient due too attempting suicide at 5 for being wrongfully accused and asking why. I in my adult age attempted it again due too assuming I had failed in my mission and was caught in an endless cycle of psychiatric jailings. they can put you in for no reason but a whim and you are considered Insane so what you say is deemed “insane” and since they have never been inside a psychiatric ward themselves they can address you thru study. It is the definition of book smarts and having NO common sense or street smarts. You cannot understand. a patient unless you’ve been in there shoes.

That goes for anything

This is a Mexican stand off for no reason 

They don’t listen too the words in between what I’m saying I lost a bit of my mind but they missed infringement of rights I can say believe or think what I will and want THAT WAS THE POINT OF THIS

If I lost my mind it is my RIGHT TOO as a n AMERICAN they will not listen because they  ‘better’ than you because they’ve never been in psychiatric ward but they don’t know what it’s like too be imprisoned in there

Here a side image of me bragging about my findings 


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