All Smiles (Client Romie Part Duo)

 Intro blurb: So after responding too messages I’m trying too take time out my day too start doing that at least once for a hour or so 

Getting better at texting/being peoplish I mean by that interacting with others as well because for a long time I was an accidental loner a well known probably popular one bht stilll a literal one and not for cool points 

Always been an outcast I just never truly ‘fit in’ I’m pretty unique I guess the relateability is why I’m alone a lot. But you know end of the day I’m so down too earth admittedly everyone finds some kind of way too relate too me

At one point they were too well pure that is I guess as I’m forced to be cause I can’t be nothing but myself I don’t really fall in line with what’s expected or made upon me ya know I do my own thing Think everyone wants or wanted that at some point and it’s what I do so we can get along some sort of way

Plus I’ll add this I’m VERY cultured without doing what the Roman’s do in rome Doing what the Greeks do in Rome I still can enjoy the bouquets pillars and statues I see feel me

Anyways, I digress

So we get there I post up do my usual two step of scoping the place out first parking lot pimping inside getting a feeel for the place

You know since I gained self love and more self respect by being at peace with who I am and who I be. 

I’m more freed up when inside of places I feel like my low self esteem came from pre judgement or assumptions you know cause I like being understood and if it’s not me I don’t want you too look at me and think it is 

I had low self esteem issues too I realize for almost no reason really but I’ll take about those later back too the trap (day)

Looks like I had to trap out the place

I get there do my thing (as described above) and found out he was there for promotional photography which is cool you know get your name out there forsure 

But he told me he had a hussle while he was there which was Polaroid or as I called them “Take Home Photos” cause you could literally take em home soon as they were shot and $15 a pop in this area isn’t bad at all really they worth $45 but at a party or some event I don’t think. That price is sort of necessaey due too the fast pace it can be done and the settings. For now.

I trapped it out like this once I found out I got a sign as I do too advertise what we were doing because if you don’t know then why would you come over too us

It’s important you advertise what you do in any or every way you can so people know looking at you they may have an idea but I’ve learned not everyone will ask you know

I guess it’s true in some ways you attract what you are and we do it for the love of doing it for the Art mostly or so I do and I feel he does too

But I learned throughout my struggles too be an artist

We gotta eat too so I trapped out the spot reminiscent of what I did at flash me xperience (a place that I enjoyed as an  artistic hub that sadly burned down) tattoos and da 🐐Jon the tattoo dude

He really captured the moments it shows our people in the moment enjoying themselves and that’s beauty too me We all artists in a way posed up In Gods paintings reality and it pretty 🖼️ (more at the end)

Really love his gloves and gun hand pose 

Home girl in the middle with the nails kawaii (cute as l)

Also met the traphouse lauryn Hill she was kewl

Dude on the left thuggin fr and I love the pose of the Tote Bag Shawtee

And I just noticed homegirl with the red hair sparking a Rooney while losing lol dope pun intended

Man I wish I had documented that but I wasn’t confident enough in. Self too blog then but here’s a reminiscent picture of it the flash sheet we used at least (Shout out Jon aka Slowpoke too the Romie =Royces Homie)

Made my traphouse sign and went ham lawl

It’s funny how high quality of artists we are doing it purely for the love maybe the cause 

Like we all gravitate towards each other because we do it for the love of doing it and being TRUE PURE ARTISTS

Even those who appreciate art and artistic endeavors are special too me

It wasn’t much we did a few candid shots (really he did I was in training mode for photography with a DALT. kind of camera) I’m used too using phones I have some experience but I can always relearn too 

Side note: I also ran him down in game about apps and how easy it is in this era too edit pictures or as he wanted “add a backdrop” it’s as easy as few clicks I know this and that was free game but really it’s about optimizing what you have.

He donned it as resourceful and it’s true that I am which inspired another post its truly my greatest skill that and memory absorption or being able too memorize things and recall them in a loop are my greatest absolute talents if I had any or really skills cause I trained those things first when I was 5 for survival purposes

We worked it we got an opportunity too do more tomorrow I’m grateful

side thought: We ended up getting the sign from the bartender and the owner they pretty. Nice ladies 

Imma try too turn this bish out tommars


I got a new gig for a couple days at least doing art for arts sake and that’s so dope too me

All in all I got more too say I’ll say in tonight’s later post 

Till then point too the stars you might be one too someone and not even know it SHINE BRIGHT 

More of the beauty captured that night thanks too all smiles

You think her rapper name would be Goldie Locs
(The pretty grl in the Jean jacket)


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